Thursday 28 May 2015

Announcing our Platinum Sponsor for PyCon MY 2015: OnApp

During our 10th organizer's call yesterday night, we have confirmed and now are excited to announce our Platinum Sponsor for PyCon MY 2015: OnApp (

OnApp is a company that develops cloud management, CDN and storage software for service providers and enterprises. OnApp has more than 150 staff in the U.S, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Their headquarters are in London, UK

The person in charge for tying up with us even had this to say: Python is being actively used as a core language in OnApp KL, and we are very happy to be part of it to promote and contribute.

We are very happy and lucky to have great people and organizations supporting PyCon MY!

Thank you!

Friday 1 May 2015

Tickets for PyCon MY 2015 goes on sale today

We have just confirmed our workshop speaker and it's topics, so the tickets go on sale today.

There will be limited seats for the workshop in particular, so please buy your tickets early. For this year, we will also have Early Birds tickets, but they are also limited in number. If they run out, you'll need to purchase the Normal Conference Tickets.

You can buy your tickets here.